May lower risk of diabetesDoes eating an apple every day really keep the doctor away? According to one largereview, eating one apple per day was tied to a 28% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with not eating any apples at all (1).

May lower risk of heart disease (May be good for your Heart)Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease(2) This is becouse apples contain soluble fiber , which can help lower your blood cholesterol levels.


Antioxidant which may have benefits for your heart healthStrawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds, which may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control (3,4).

May reduce inflammation and harful (bad) cholesterol‍Strawberries may also improve blood antioxidant status, inflammation and reduce the harmful oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol (5,6,7). They’re an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and also contain decent amounts of folate (vitamin B9) and potassium.


Antioxidant which may have benefits for your heart healthSome of the antioxidants in blueberries have been found to accumulate in the brain and help improve communication between brain cells (8,9). According to one review of 11  studies, blueberries could help improve memory and certain cognitive processes in children and older adults (10)

The King of Antioxidant Foods‍Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits and vegetables (11, 12, 13). Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to aging and diseases, such as cancer 14, 15).


May modulate disease risk‍Raspberries are high in several powerful antioxidant compounds, including vitamin C, quercetin and ellagic acid (17, 18)., which may help reduce risk for diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses (19).

May help you with weight management‍Berries are a good source of fiber, including soluble fiber. Studies show that consuming soluble fiber slows down the movement of food through your digestive tract, leading to reduced hunger and increased feelings of fullness. This may decrease your calorie intake and make weight management easier (20, 21).


High nutritional value and great source of plant based proteinHemp seeds are a great plant based protein source, as more than 25% of their total calories are from high-quality protein. Also a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron and zinc (23, 24, 25). They are exceptionally rich in two essential fatty acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3).

May reduce risk of heart disease‍Hemp seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which produces nitric oxide in your body (26). Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease (27). Hemp Seeds May Reduce Symptoms of PMS


May support weight lossMost of the fiber in chia seeds is soluble fiber. It absorbs water, becomes gel-like, and expands in your stomach to slow your digestion and help you feel full after a meal (29, 30). Therefore, it’s claimed that soluble fiber may support appetite regulation and weight loss.

Contains important bone nutrients‍Chia seeds are high in several nutrients that are important for bone health, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Many observational studies suggest that getting enough of these nutrients is important for maintaining good bone mineral density, an indicator of bone strength (31, 32)


High in nutritional valueThey are a good source of carbs and fiber, including the powerful fiber beta-glucan. (33,34,35) Whole oats are high in antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols.Most notable is a unique group of antioxidants called avenanthramides, which are almostsolely found in oats 36).

Helps with digastive tract‍Oats contain large amount of beta-glucan, imporant to increase growth of good bacteria inthe diagestive trat. (37)


Improves digestive healthPsyllium is a bulk-forming laxative, which soaks up water in your gut and makes bowelmovements much easier and can help promote regularity without increasing flatulence. Itcan be used as a one-off to ease constipation, or it can be added to your diet to helppromote regularity and overall digestive health.

It is an important probiotic‍Psyllium is a prebiotic — a substance needed for healthy colonies of probiotics to grow in thegut. A healthy colony of good bacteria in the digestive system is essential for healthyimmune function. Your body is better able to fight infection, reduce inflammation, andmaintain healthy tissue and cells.


High in nutritional valueThey are a good source of carbs and fiber, including the powerful fiber beta-glucan. (33,34,35) Whole oats are high in antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols.Most notable is a unique group of antioxidants called avenanthramides, which are almostsolely found in oats 36).

May improve brain funtcion and energy levels‍Maca may improve brain function. Some sudies indicate improved memory functions (43).Maca rootpowder is a popular among athletes. It has been claimed to help gain muscle,increase strength,boost energy, and improve exercise performance. (ni vira)


Supports your heart healthLemons are a good source of vitamin C. Research shows that eating fruits and vegetablesrich invitamin C reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke (44,45)The fiber and plant compounds in lemons could also significantly lower some risk factors forheartdisease (46,47).

May improve absorbison of iron from plant foods‍Iron deficiency anemia is quite common. It occurs when you don’t get enough iron from thefoodsyou eat. Lemons contain some iron, but they primarily prevent anemia by improvingyour absorptionof iron from plant foods (48, 49).


May improve your brain function and prevent neurodegenerative diseasesSeveral studies have found that polyphenols, such as those in cocoa, may reduce your risk ofneurodegenerative diseases by improving brain function and blood flow. Daily intake ofcocoa flavanols can improve mental performance in people with and without mentalimpairments (50, 51,). Flavanols in cacao are aslo associated with better cognitive testperformance (52).

May improve your mood and fight depression‍Cocoa’s effect on the brain may also improve mood and symptoms of depression (53).


Powerfull source of antioxidantsDark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols and catechins, among others. (54)


Anti inflammatory propertiesInflammation is very important as it helps body fight infections and repair tissue damage.Cinnamon may be useful in this regard. Studies show that its antioxidants have potent antiinflammatory properties (55, 56).

Anti diabetic effect‍Numerous human studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon, showingthat it can lower fasting blood sugar levels by 10–29% (57, 58, 59).


May boost hearth healthCoconut meat contains coconut oil, which may boost HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce LDL(bad) cholesterol. Improvements in these markers may reduce your risk of heartdisease (60).

Anti diabetic effect‍Numerous human studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon, showingthat it can lower fasting blood sugar levels by 10–29% (57, 58, 59).


May promote a healthy heartHazelnuts may help to promote a healthy heart. A study indicates that eating a hazelnut-richdiet may improve cardiovascular risk biomarkers, potentially lowering the risk of heartproblems. (66)

High in nutritional value‍Hazelnuts have a great nutrient profile. Loaded with antioxidants, minerals like manganeseand healthy fats (67).


May support good Brain Function and memoryEver wondering way walnut looks lika a tiny brain? Research suggests that this nut mayindeed be good for your mind (68, 69). A study in older adults linked regular consumption ofwalnuts with significant memory improvement (70)